Sunday, March 4, 2012

Andy asked me the other day to run a red light.  I said no, that would make us crash.  He said to crash so 'we get new car? Big like Brandon's"
At 3 1/2, Andy is 42 inches and 39 lbs.  He is very talkative and friendly.  He has lots of friends at Walteria UMC preschool: Brandon, Chaeyoon, Campbell, Evan, and Sebastian. 
He loves to dance and sing, especially the ABC song and Away in a Manger.  And he loves his baby tv (portable dvd player).  And Snoopy videos.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Opposite boy:
After his bath, he was only wearing his pullup and I said, "Come over here, Naked Boy!"  and he said, "Yes, Clothes Mommy!"
And in the car I was singing, "Momma's little baby loves shortcake, shortcake..."  and he piped up with "I only like long cake."
He loves a lot of inanimate objects - he's said he loves his colored towel, pillow pet, soft blankie, flowercase.  He'll say, "I love you, pillowpet." and then, "I don't love you, Mommy.  Now cry."  So I fake-cry, boo-hoo, my boy doesn't love me, and then he'll relent and say, "I love you, Mommy."
For Halloween, he was a knight in shining armor, in shiny silver pants and a red tunic that Lala made him and Gina found him a visor at Dollar Tree (the store with the green sign, Andy calls it) and also a breastplate and shield.  Andy had a blast wearing it and going trick-or-treating, he filled up two buckets. 
I'll have to figure out how to post pictures.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Purple Underpants

Andy loves to sing 'Twinkle, twinkle, little ....ANTS!  I have purple underpants!"
Its from Wordworld, the one where Duck can't remember the words and makes things up.

I took him to the Huntington Gardens where we played in the water park, also known as the Children's Garden.  I put him in his swimsuit and he got soaked.  He and Celina love running around the mist-er garden room.  They also enjoyed looking through the microscopes in the basement of the Hall.

We went to mass and like usual, Andy wanted to go outside during the homily.  I told him we had to get through the kneeling part, the stand-up part, then go up with Grammy, then he could go outside.  So he scooted over the Grammy and said, "We go up now?"  She told him it wasn't time.  So then he started kneeling in the hope that others would follow and hurry things up.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Random October notes

Woke up today and it was raining, but Andy told me it was good for the plants and would make them grow flowers.  And "the sun come out and dry up all the rain."
We went to the Natural History Museum on Sunday and he enjoyed seeing dinosaur bones and poking all the interactive screens.  He got a little scared when the lights dimmed just before the saber tooth cat puppet came out.  It was good that they started with a small puppet because the bigger one would have scared him.  (He's kind of a wimp.)  As it was, I assured him it was the mommy cat and that was the baby cat.
Right now he wipes away all my kisses so I kiss him in the middle of his back each day and he can't reach it.  He smiles when he wipes away the kisses so its just a joke.  He also says "I don't love you" and laughs as I pretend to cry, and then he says, "I love you." 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Andy Mihito

I was looking at the newspaper with Andy, picking out letters.  A for Andy, L for Lisa and so on.  He knows M (feet on the ground) and W (feet in the air) and K (open head) and R (closed head) and S (like a snake) and T (like a hammer).  I found G for our last name and tried to teach Andy his last name but he said, "No, my name Mohito.  Grammy say my name Mihito.' 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The strangest thing Andy thought I 'stole' from him

When Andy loses something or discovers it missing, he gets this traumatized look and wails,"It GONE!  My ':ice cream cone, cookie, etc.:' GONE!"
Most of time its because he handed Mom the ice cream cone, cookie, etc and she ate it.  Well, what would you do with a half-eaten ice cream cone melting in your hand?  Only now she knows to save that last little bite so he can eat it.
Anyway, one warm Sunday we got out the pool and he discovered how to make mud.  He was running back and forth with his little cup of water from the pool to the rose garden.  Then came nap time.  When he got up he immediately went out to the garden.  What! No Mud!  We must have taken it!  "It GONE! My mud GONE!", he accused.
No, we told him, it dried up, just add more water from the pool.  He did and the mud magically appeared. Joy restored.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cute Andy story

On the way to the babysitter's, there were a lot of trucks and oversize pickups on the road.  Andy announced, "I drive monster truck, Mama."  He thought for a bit and then said,"You sit in back seat."